Obesity Surgery

Obesity is responsible for the majority of health problems people are diagnosed with every year, so more and more people are aiming for an ideal body weight. Although diet and exercise are proving to be of great help, obesity surgery is becoming more popular because of its effectiveness in reducing body weight. Obesity surgery such as Gastric Band, Gastric Bypass, and Gastric Sleeve is offered at Find Health in Ecuador; performed by the most competent surgeons to give people an outstanding weight with decreased health risks.

Types of Surgeries:

  • Gastric Banding: This is a type of surgery that involves the placement of an inflatable silicone device around the top portion of the stomach. The device slows and reduces consumption of food, making the patient feel full. This is a common type of obesity surgery.
  • Preparation before the Surgery: The patient is informed about the surgery – the entire process, the things that he may expect during the surgery, any risks, recovery time, and all the measures that will be instituted post-operation. Patient labeling is also provided by the doctor to give additional information to the patient. The patient is greatly encouraged to ask any questions and queries that warrant clarifications.

  • Gastric Bypass: Gastric Bypass is a type of surgery that involves changing how your stomach accommodates and empties food. There are two types of gastric bypass; gastric bypass that involves using surgical staples to sew and reduce the stomach capacity and the “Roux-en-y” in which the surgeon reduces the size of the stomach and connects it to the first part of the small intestine.
  • Preparation before the Surgery: The patient will undergo diagnostic tests and procedures such as cardio-pulmonary clearance to determine if the patient is an ideal candidate for surgery. The patient is instructed to avoid smoking a few weeks before and after surgery because smoking slows the recovery process and may result in post-operation complications. Seek assistance from the medical team if you have problems with quitting. Any drugs, supplements, and herbal remedies taken before the surgery should be evaluated and reported to the surgeon. The possibility of pregnancy is also evaluated.

  • Gastric Sleeve: Gastric sleeve involves the removal of the portion of the stomach along the greater curvature to reduce the stomach capacity to about 25% of its original size. Post-operatively, the stomach appears to be a tube-like structure.
  • Preparation before the Surgery: The patient will undergo a series of blood tests, physical exams, and ultrasounds of the gallbladder to determine if the patient is physically fit for the procedure. Hypertension, diabetes, and pulmonary problems are assessed and evaluated with the physician prior to the procedure. Nutritional counseling classes can help the patient increase their awareness regarding the nature of the specific obesity surgery as well as emotional and psychosocial challenges that the surgery entails.


The initial time of recovery depends on the general health condition of the patient. Patients who underwent gastric band, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve surgery may expect a recovery period of about three weeks. Patients may also expect to spend two to three days in the hospital before being discharged.

Post-Operative Measures

Patients who underwent gastric banding procedure may need to have their band adjusted by the physician by adding or removing fluid through the implanted port. This will allow the band to be tightened and loosened, allowing less or more food to be accommodated in the stomach. A patient who underwent gastric bypass needs to stay in the hospital for three days before being discharged. The patient voids through a catheter and may be attached to parenteral nutrition. Pureed and liquefied foods are then slowly introduced. A stomach drain may be placed to drain stomach fluids for the first few days after surgery.

A patient who underwent gastric sleeve can be discharged two days after surgery. Pain management and introduction of liquefied food are instituted for the first week.

Possible Complications

Bleeding and infection are some of the most common complications of surgery. Patients can suffer from malnutrition and indigestion as a result of the surgery. Decreased absorption of vitamins and minerals can also be a consequence of these surgeries.

Any adverse reactions following obesity surgery must be reported immediately so that proper interventions can be instituted. In these cases, patients living in Cuenca, Ecuador can visit Find Health in Ecuador or contact us at (07) 410-8745.

*Originally published on Find Health in Ecuador October 14, 2014