How Social Media Has Changed the Fashion World

We are all guilty of it, though we may hate to admit it – social media addiction. Many of us have our mobile phones glued to our hands, with our eyes fixed on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to digest the latest status posts, trending news, or viral videos. The numbers are proof with many people opening, scrolling down, and posting on their social network sites an average of 15 hours a day. Indeed, this “social network” is fast becoming considered a basic human need, so much so that industries have started to grab their own opportunities to make the most of this phenomenal social sphere.

Social media’s influence can be felt even in the fashion world. Celebrities have taken to social media to be relevant and accessible to their fans. Companies use it to inform, influence, and create impact with their target markets. It’s a no-brainer for all companies to want a piece of that action and enter this new marketplace. Apart from the conventional billboards, TV and radio advertisements, and posters, fashion and designer brands have also established Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, websites, apps with social-media integration, and Instagram accounts that could easily serve as a store shelf or display of the latest must-haves. Combined with celebrity “trending photos,” the fashion industry has found newer ways to make a statement.

Another popular form of fashion advertisement is fashion blogging. It’s not only celebrities who can give a nod to the latest styles and seasonal garments. Social media users who have a multitude of followers can post their latest garbs and much-trusted fashion brands on their feeds, and it would surely garner hundreds, even thousands, of likes in just hours. Fashion brands have taken a liking to giving tokens and items for fashion bloggers to use, test, and promote. Fashion design firms have also sent gifts to celebrities for them to be acknowledged on the red carpet.

If you are a designer, Rihanna has become THE celebrity to get your works of art worn or displayed. She is not just a typical celebrity who has an Instagram account, but also a walking mannequin whose clothes, shoes, and cosmetics will be interesting to those who have seen her wearing them. Known as a Glam girl – this pop superstar can turn a simple pair of designer boots into every girl’s must-buy.

Truth be told, one of the most anti-social network yet renowned fashion designers, Tom Ford, has commented on how this superstar glam girl can take fashion brands and designer clothes to the next level. According to him, in this generation, nobody cares what the fashion reviews have to say because the people are all glued to what Rihanna would post next on her Instagram page. Whose dress is she wearing tonight? Which designer shoes is she wearing? What is that brand? What is that style called anyway? Glam girl Rihanna wears it, posts it, and the claimed and credited fashion brand or designer will surely soar much higher in the fashion scene.

The world of fashion has come a long way. With social media, a fashion brand can have all eyes glued on their item, just as long as they have the perfect glam girl to showcase it. So, look to social media for your latest “#ootd” and see what’s trending since the last thing you’d want to be is a fashion “#epicfail”.

*Originally published on The Femme Code January 05, 2015